Summary ●
Yougest son of the higest estimed kight, brother to the most estimed one of his generation. Rather than being held to those high standards, he is mostly left to do whatever he wants, even if it means wasting his time daydreaming in a tree. Skips his knight training to read and compose poems and music on his own, and got away with it until his naggy older brother came back to town.
He now has to find a new spot, and the local food shop has an intriguing new cook.
Physical traits ●
CHEEKS, round, mole TT
Thick Brown fluffy hair, middle part
Heart lips and a gummy smile TT
Tanned skin
Personality traits ●
dUMb GeNius … painfully oblivious
Gifted… but yeah (u know how it is)
Extroverted-Introvert, friendly , funny
Creative, lyrical, and thoughtful
Obsessively simping on a fictional character “nohomo”, weeb
clumbsy, kind of a coward
doesn't like exercise, or waking up
Other facts ●
Basicly raised by his older brother and prince San, his mother living away from the capital, in the mountains, since he was 10, and his father bearly talking to him. Grew up with the stories prince San would tell him about his idol : the golden heir.
Born the same day as the yougest prince, Lixie, and they considere eachother as twins, since they have a similar naive and bright energy. All four of them share a love for music and creativity.
As they grew up, his brothers became more busy with their trainings, and so he was left to daydream on his own, which led him to song writing. He first wrote about his idol, then it shifted to more personal expressions of himself, and he never stopped ever since.
His first song book: at first it's starts off as him wanting to write all he remembers from the story so he can maybe find a clue to its ending, then he starts dosing off and imagining how it would go, then he write it down... then wonders how the lost prince must feel, gets lost in the projection and ends up writing a song about it. He never showed it to anyone cuse first songs are cringe but it's meaning full to him.
Moonlute player.
Due to his gift with language and his smart nature, he always had amazing grades in his philosophy and language classes. He excellent in them and he seems to have a gift for all skills that make a good royal counselor. Charismatic, friendly and lovable make him even more of a perfect candidate. So aurally, his parents encouraged him to pursue the carrier, since it would be perfect for him and for the family's name.
Jiwon loves literature and philosophy thesis... well some of them. He tattle a weird line between being perceived as childishly immature and as promisingly mature. He loves exploring the humain mind and complexity, but not in exactly in the texts his teachers and elders would deam appropriate.
He likes stories and experiences, even fiction is a place for him to explore his mind. And for that he get a lot of dissapointed looks and talks, asking him to grow up and focus on his potential.
He tried, he really did. Of course he excelled, but he felt insanely bored out of his mind.
Plus, just picturing himself in such a position make his hands tremble and his breathing shorten, being a public figure with that much responsibility. Yes he was good with people, but he didn't feel good after a while.
And it didn't help that his parents were so pushy about it, perssure pressure pressure.
But he didn't only Excell there, but in the physical aspect too. His sword skills are really impressive for the little of time he's been trained and he likes its a lot more than being stuck in a room to read old noble people's thoughts. So he chose it as his carriere, he wouldn't be as fruitfull as his "to be prince's personal gard" brother, but he didn't wish to be either. Living a normal average life as a knight in the castle. Low effort, low risk(?), and fun.
His Das wasn't fond of his choice, one knight to continue his role was enough and seo was more than promising.
Plus with the age, himself started to be more counsious of his future, it starts to make him really anxious. He had a goal to become lix's personal gard when they younger, and now more than ever he feels the pressure not fall short to his brother. Sordfight use to come naturally to him. He sdidnt have to try as hard as other to be good, did it make him proud, yes. Yet these few years, he finds it more and more hard to focus, to put his all, to catch up to other. As other get upgraded and start more serious jobs, he falls behind. Stuffy brain makes him fall behind and falling behind makes his brain stuffier. So he let's go, skips, distracts himself, find a way to make him feel like his days are more worthwhile.
Maybe he's given up his promises, but he can't admit it to himself beacuse if he did, he would truly feel lost.
So he runs away. For a day..
Get stuck on the gate Xi uses and comes face to face with Jin and lino.
Eventually finds again his flame to become a knight afer meating leenho.
Admiration--- competitiveness.
Seo - "you give off the aura that like you want to be protected"
Ji- "yes"