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Chapter Drafts
1. Won't you read the letter ?
Sonata No.1 - 1rst measure
Fall's approaching, Leenho's 20th birthday tagging along with. His brother, Jin, is going through mixed emotions.
Feeling excited for Leenho being closer then ever to his dream of becoming a knight, but giving up their daily life in the orphanage together.
Leenho, Jin
2. One's Gold
Sonata No.1 - 10th mesure
As per usual, Jiwon sneaks away from training, his lute in hand. Only this time, he finds a long-lost treasure of his, guaranteeing he'll be skipping the next few lessons, putting aside his promise to his brother.
Jiwon, Leenho
3. A brother's heart
Interlude No.1
After finally opening up to the Song brothers about his lost brother, San is back at the castle, huddled with his younger brother, Bok-hwan, reminiscing on his fondest memory of the sibling they both miss.
San, Lost-prince
4. An End
Sonata No.2 - Xth mesure
Sure, Jiwon expected the upcoming nights to be uncomfortable and short. No one embarks on a journey across the country, into its most reclused villages investigating secret illegal workcamps, and expects good nights of sleep.
Although, he'd planned more against bugs than unexpected night terrors.
Jiwon, Golden-Heir
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